Why Sleep is Important as One Ages

Almost a third of our lives are spent sleeping. Therefore, it’s important to understand the relationship between aging and sleep. Getting a good night’s sleep is important for both physical and mental health and one’s overall quality of life.

Poor sleep is not a normal part of aging.

Sleep patterns change as we age. Many older adults feel sleepier in the evening and awaken earlier in the morning. But disturbed sleeping and waking up tired are not part of normal aging.

How Much Sleep is Ideal?

The National Sleep Foundation National Sleep Foundation’s sleep time duration recommendations: methodology and results summary – PubMed (nih.gov) dispels the myth that older adults require less sleep.

 It strongly recommends 7-8 hours of sleep a night for adults, including seniors.

What’s Interfering with Your Sleep?

Mental and physical health conditions may interfere with sleep. These may include:

  • Depression or anxiety
  • Heart Disease and diabetes
  • Frequent Nighttime Urination (nocturia)
  • Insomnia (Most common sleep problem in those 60+)
  • Restless Leg Syndrome (Periodic limb movement disorder causing legs to jerk and kick every 20 to 40 seconds during sleep.)
  • Sleep Apnea (Pauses in breathing while sleeping)
  • Arthritis or other conditions causing discomfort and/or pain
  • Alzheimer’s Disease quite often changes sleeping habits-too much, not enough. This affects caregivers too, leaving them tired.

Side effects of medications, including over the counter medications, may also complicate sleep.

Other factors impacting sleep include:

  • Napping-keep these short and done by 3 PM
  • Less Structured Sleep Schedule
  • Electronics (TV, computer, cell phone, tablet) Used Close to Bedtime
  • Social Isolation Resulting in Stress and Anxiety
  • Waking Up During the Night

Ways to Improve Sleep

Create both a bedroom environment and daily routines to promote consistent, uninterrupted sleep. Forming and sticking to good bedtime rituals is important. Try to:

  • Set a sleep schedule. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, weekday and weekends.
  • Follow a nighttime routine. This may include locking all of the doors, ensuring all appliances are turned off, putting on pajamas, brushing your teeth and reading for a few minutes before turning the bedside lamp off.
  • Unplug from Tablets and Cell Phones. Blue light in these devices decreases melatonin (a hormone produced to facilitate sleep) production and causes mental stimulation that is difficult to turn off. Experts advise staying off these devices 30-60 minutes before you go to bed.
  • Dim the Lights and Relax. Focus on relaxation instead of the pressure of falling asleep. Try meditation, prayer, visualization and/or breathing exercises, aromatherapy, or background music or sounds.
  • Keep the bedroom at a comfortable temperature and as quiet as possible.
  • Get up. Instead of tossing and turning and getting frustrated, get up 20 minutes after trying to sleep and read or stretch. Keep the lights low and try again.

Healthy Habits Lead to Great Sleep

Pay attention to your daytime lifestyle. It also affects getting a good night’s sleep. If you aren’t already, try

  • Exercise. Get physically active.
  • Reduce Caffeine Intake. Especially true in the afternoon and evening.
  • Eat an Earlier Dinner to Avoid Food Digestion at Bedtime. Keep snacks light before bedtime.
  • Limit Bed Use. Train your brain that being in bed is used only for sleep and sex.
  • Decrease Alcohol Consumption. It may put you to sleep but as the effect wears off sleep becomes disrupted.
  • Get Sunlight. Daylight exposure encourages quality sleep.
  • Avoid Smoking. Nicotine stimulates the body in ways that disrupt sleep.

Benefits of a Great Night’s Rest

Sleep is a time of rest and rejuvenation. It allows our minds and bodies to recuperate after a long day. Sleep is also an indicator of overall health and well-being. Getting the rest you need can help you stay both physically and mentally well as you age.

  1. Sleep boosts your mood.
  2. Quality sleep lowers your risk of diseases. Lack of sleep puts added stress on the body, leading to inflammation and a weakened immune system. While sleeping, our bodies undergo restorative functions like tissue repair, muscle growth and protein synthesis-all needed to keep our immune systems strong.
  3. Sleep helps maintain weight. Getting enough sleep keeps our metabolism moving at a healthy rate. If you’re sleep deprived, metabolism slows down, leading to weight gain. Experts say that you are 60 percent more likely to be obese if you get 5 or fewer hours of sleep a night. Sleep | Obesity Prevention Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
  4. Good sleep improves memory and concentration. A good night’s sleep is key to a healthy brain and a sharp memory. Lack of sleep affects decision-making abilities and long-term memory. Over time, too little sleep can even contribute to cognitive decline, memory loss and increase your risk of developing dementia. Bedtime is when your brain clears harmful toxins. More Information: Not all sleep is equal when it comes to cleaning the brain — ScienceDaily

Sleeping Environment

Create a better sleep environment by:

  • Darkening the Room. It can be as simple as dimming the lights as bedtime approaches signaling to your brain it’s time to wind down for the night. Again, turn off electronics reducing your blue light exposure. Lower your shades or use blackout curtains. Light slows the production of melatonin, a naturally occurring hormone which promotes sleep. Consider using smart bulbs that gradually fade when it’s near bedtime and slowly brighten in the morning.
  • Lowering the Temperature. Experts consider 60 to 67 degrees optimal for high quality sleep, though this differs for everyone. Experiment and set the thermostat on what works for you.
  • Reducing the Noise. Turn off all sounds, including the TV. A quiet room is much more conducive to a peaceful night’s sleep. If you live in a noisy area, consider products that mask noise like white noise machines, floor fans, etc. Definitely move the bed off shared walls and away from street-facing windows.
  • Choosing a Comfortable Mattress and Sheet Set. The mattress, sheets and pillows you use is so important for a restful night’s sleep. The right mattress depends on your sleep position (back, side, stomach), whether you share the bed and other factors. A great pillow will support your back and neck; a poor one will have you waking up with neck pain, headaches and possibly arm numbness. Test out mattresses, pillows and sheets to understand which work best for you in achieving consistent good nights of sleep.

Keep it Safe

  • Keep a telephone nearby in case an emergency call out is needed. Avoid the temptation to look at the bright screen while trying to sleep and turn notifications off so sleep is not interrupted. If not keyed into your phone, keep a list of emergency phone numbers next to your phone on the bedside table.
  • Make sure a lamp or light is nearby. Don’t stumble out of bed subjecting yourself to a possible trip and fall.
  • Put a glass of water next to the bed in case you wake up thirsty.
  • Remove trip hazards like rugs, cords, stools and furniture.
  • Never smoke in bed.

Call the Doctor or Sleep Specialist

If you are following these good sleep habits yet consistently having sleep problems and feeling tired and unable to do your activities for 2 or 3 weeks, you may need to contact your medical professionals.

These signs of little or poor sleep quality that should be discussed with a medical professional.

  • Excessive snoring
  • Daytime sleepiness
  • A stop in breathing at night
  • Mood changes or irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Frequent awakenings at night

More Information

A Good Night’s Sleep | National Institute on Aging (nih.gov)

What is Sleep & Why is It Important for Health? | American Sleep Association

©October 2022 Craft LifeStyle Management.

All Rights Reserved.

Written for Craft LifeStyle Management by Linda Leier Thomason

Age My Way 2022: May is Older Americans Month

Each May the Administration for Community Living (ACL) Home Page | ACL Administration for Community Living leads the nation’s observance of Older Americans Month (OAM). The 2022 theme is Age My Way, an opportunity for all of us to explore the many ways older adults can remain in and be involved with their communities.

Older adults play vital, positive roles in our communities – as family members, friends, mentors, volunteers, civic leaders, members of the workforce, and more. Just as every person is unique, so too is how they age and how they choose to do it – and there is no “right” way. That’s why the theme for Older Americans Month (OAM) 2022 is Age My Way.

Older Americans Month is a great opportunity to celebrate our parents, grandparents and all of those special older individuals who have impacted our own lives. Let’s all look for opportunities to give back to the older adults in our lives and to help them live more independently as they age.

While Age My Way will look different for each person, here are common things everyone can consider:

Planning: Think about what you will need and want in the future, from home and community-based services to community activities that interest you.

Engagement: Remain involved and contribute to your community through work, volunteer, and/or civic participation opportunities.

Access: Make home improvements and modifications, use assistive technologies, and customize supports to help you better age in place.

Connection: Maintain social activities and relationships to combat social isolation and stay connected to your community.

Diverse communities are strong communities. Ensuring that older adults remain involved and included in our communities for as long as possible benefits everyone.

Watch for announcements in your local area for activities and events celebrating Older American Month in May 2022: Age My Way!

  • Get involved.
  • Share in the event or celebration with an older adult.
  • Offer transportation.
  • Donate to a cause.
  • Cheer on the older adults in your life.


In 1963, President John F. Kennedy and members of the National Council of Senior Citizens met to address the growing concerns of America’s 17 million individuals ages 65 and older. At the time, one-third of all seniors lived in poverty with few social programs available to help support them.

To raise awareness of the problems facing seniors and to honor them, then-President Kennedy and the Council proclaimed May as Senior Citizens Month.

Senior Citizens Month Becomes Older Americans Month

Two years later, in 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson passed the Older Americans Act of 1965 and formally declared May as Older Americans Month. But the act did much more than raise awareness or encourage community involvement – although it did both of these things well.

Johnson took Kennedy’s proclamation and intentions a step further by taking action that resulted in positive change, financial assistance and federal support for older Americans.

The Older Americans Act

Established the Administration on Aging, the first federal agency designed to address the struggles of older Americans.

Introduced nutrition programs, transportation assistance, federally funded adult day care, legal assistance and other services for seniors.

Paved the way to passing the Medicare program to offer health care to seniors.

Older Americans Month in the Recent Past

The proclamation didn’t end with Johnson, either. Every president since has offered a formal proclamation declaring May as a time to remember and honor older Americans. Communities organize events, fairs, and fundraisers focusing on seniors.

Denise Craft, Founder & President

If Craft LifeStyle Management can assist you with home modifications to help you age in place, please reach out to us.

We’ve been celebrating and serving older Americans for over three decades and are ready to assist you in your time of transition. Homepage – Services – Craft Lifestyle Management (craftlifestylemgt.com)

©May 2022 Craft LifeStyle Management.

All Rights Reserved.

Written for Craft LifeStyle Management by Linda Leier Thomason.

How to Recognize Geriatric Substance Abuse

Alcohol and drug abuse, particularly prescription drugs, among those 60 and older, is one of the fastest-growing health problems in the United States.

Many consider substance abuse to be a mounting public health concern.

True Story

Ruth retired 12 years ago. Her husband of nearly 50 years died a few years back. Her children and their families live in other states. Many of her friends have died or have moved nearer their children. Some reside in an assisted living facility. Others are in nursing homes. She rarely sees them or even hears from them.

Ruth’s doctor has her on several medications for health issues associated with aging. Most days she remembers to take them.

She’s isolated and feels very alone. In the evening Ruth has a glass or two, sometimes a bottle, of wine to “help her sleep” and cope with all of these big life changes and the overwhelming feeling of loneliness.

Before going to bed, she takes aspirin for a headache.

Is Ruth abusing alcohol?

Could grandma really be an alcoholic?


Substance Abuse Facts

  • While illicit drug use typically declines after young adulthood, nearly 1 million adults aged 65 and older live with a substance use disorder (SUD), as reported in 2018 data.1 
  • Alcohol is the most used drug among older adults. It is often used for physical and emotional pain.
  • The total number of SUD admissions to treatment facilities between 2000 and 2012 differed slightly; the proportion of admissions of older adults increased from 3.4% to 7.0% during this time.2
  • Little is known about the effects of alcohol and drugs on an aging brain.
  • As one ages, physiological changes in the body lead to increased sensitivity and a reduced tolerance to drugs and alcohol. And, medical complications may interfere with the way alcohol or drugs are broken down in the body.
  • Herbal remedies, dietary supplements and over-the-counter medications can interact with drugs and alcohol in unpredictable ways.
  • Older adults metabolize substances more slowly. Therefore, their bodies and brains are more sensitive to drugs.3 
  • Elderly often unintentionally misuse medications. They take them too often, forget to take them or take the wrong amount.
  • According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD), widowers 75 and older make up the majority of people suffering from alcoholism in the USA. They use it to medicate their grief.
  • Nearly 50 percent of nursing home residents have a problem with alcohol.4
  • Older adults are hospitalized for alcohol-related problems as often as they are for heart attacks.5
  • Doctors are often confused whether a patient is misusing substances or is showing symptoms of aging like dementia, frailty, lethargy, chronic health conditions or reactions to stressful, life-changing events in their patient’s lives. Many physicians do not screen for substance abuse. Instead, they focus on the more common medical problems of the aging.

Causes of Substance Abuse

Aging is not easy. Older adults, who struggle with the challenges of it, look for ways to self-medicate.

For many, retirement often means a loss of social connection and purpose. Children relocate and are busy with their own families and careers. Health issues become debilitating and disheartening. A lot of the things that once defined adult life are lost.

Causes of drug and alcohol abuse in older adults can include:

  • Loss of a loved one. Many elderly people use drugs and alcohol to comfort themselves following a major loss.
  • Loneliness. A trip to the local bar may be the only way seniors feel connected. They are isolated by circumstance. Maybe the children have moved away and do not remain in regular contact. Or, they’ve lost their spouse or best friend. They no longer have a daily routine since retirement. Alcohol and drugs help them feel less alone.
  • Health challenges. These can come on like a blizzard. Mobility issues mean loss of independence.  Vision challenges may affect one’s ability to drive and lead to social isolation. Cancer, strokes and heart problems make seniors feel hopeless. Health problems can feel overwhelming and drugs and alcohol allows one to escape from the rigors of them.
  • Chronic Pain. It’s very common for those with chronic pain to become addicted to prescription drugs.
  • Financial Challenges. This is a risk factor for substance abuse at any age but especially for the elderly who may not be prepared for medical and nursing home bills.
  • Sleep Problems.  Sleep can be a struggle for many. Maybe it’s caused by age, health problems, loss of a partner or purpose, family conflict, relocation, or anxiety. Doctors are often quick to prescribe medications to help people fall asleep. But certain sleep pills can be addictive. Some elderly choose to self-medicate with over-the-counter sleep aids, prescription painkillers or alcohol.
  • Unintended Abuse. Memory challenges and cognitive decline make it hard for older adults to keep track of medications. They take them too often or in a larger dose than prescribed.  It is common to inadvertently take medications incorrectly, increasing the risk of developing an addiction and dependence.

Signs & Symptoms

Substance abuse in the elderly is often hard to identify, especially if the person is always homebound.

Some of the signs of substance abuse mirror signs of aging, making it difficult to recognize if there is an issue, or its extent. Also, medications that many elderly take may mask or mimic substance abuse symptoms.

General health and mental conditions increase as one ages, creating the need for greater prescription drug usage. The Psychiatric Times estimates that a quarter of all prescription drugs in the USA are sold to the elderly, and close to 11 percent of this group may abuse these medications.

Those with abuse issues feel ashamed and try to hide their addiction.

Their adult children ignore the issue, disbelieving mom or dad could be an alcoholic or drug addict at this point in their adult life.

Elder substance abuse then nearly becomes an invisible problem.

Experts say these are the most common indicators of substance abuse in the elderly:

  • Secretive and solitary drinking habits
  • Slurred speech and repeated falls
  • Sudden and drastic change in appearance and hygiene
  • Hostile and aggressive behaviors, irritability
  • Unexplained burns and bruises
  • Drinking despite warnings on prescription containers
  • Onset of depression or anxiety; panic attacks
  • Fatigue or weakness; sleep problems or sleeping during the day
  • Memory loss, confusion and forgetfulness, especially of date, time and place
  • Giving up interests and hobbies once enjoyed
  • Chronic health complaints not linked to obvious health problems
  • Loss of appetite or changes in eating habits
  • Losing touch with loved ones
  • Unable to complete activities of daily living (ADLs)


Drugs and alcohol worsen lung and heart problems and exasperate memory issues and mood disorders.

Alcohol abuse puts older people at greater risk for diabetes, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, liver and bone problems and memory and mood disorders.

Impaired judgment, reaction time and lack of coordination resulting from drug and alcohol use often result in accidents like falls and vehicular crashes.

It leads to greater isolation. The one abusing substances self isolates or (s)he offends family and friends, causing greater isolation.

What to Do

Little research exists on the best models of care for older adults abusing substances.

Research that is available shows that even a brief intervention by a physician or other healthcare provider can reduce drinking levels.

If you are concerned about a loved one who may be suffering from elderly alcoholism or addiction, talk to them about their habits. Be prepared. They may be embarrassed by their problems and refuse to admit they have an issue. Because of the stigma of addiction, they might believe it’s a private matter and not be willing to openly talk to you about it.

Since many older adults do not recognize the need for addiction treatment, an intervention from family, treatment professionals and/or medical professionals is vital.

Research does show

  • Treatment with others their age is most effective.
  • Older adults are compliant with treatment and have better outcomes than younger addicts.
  • Longer duration of care for this population results in better outcomes.
  • A focus on re-building support networks is vital to preventing relapse.
  • Since detox and withdrawal are very hard on the body, elderly addicts with serious medical conditions are best treated in a local hospital before transferring to a treatment center.

If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse and needs help, please contact   Contact – Craft Lifestyle Management (craftlifestylemgt.com)

They are there to listen in a non-judgmental way and to guide you to the best treatment available.

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©October 2021 Craft LifeStyle Management.

All Rights Reserved.

Written for Craft LifeStyle Management by Linda Leier Thomason.


  1. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2019). Results from the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Detailed tables. Rockville, MD: Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Retrieved from https://www.samhsa.gov/data/
  2. Chatre S, Cook R, Mallik E et al. Trends in substance use admissions among older adults. BMC Health Services Research. 2017; 584(17). doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-017-2538-z
  3. Colliver JD, Compton WM, Gfroerer JC, Condon T. Projecting drug use among aging baby boomers in 2020. Annals of Epidemiology. 2006; 16(4): 257–265.
  4. National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. (2015). Alcohol, Drug Dependence and Seniors.
  5. National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. (2015). Alcohol, Drug Dependence and Seniors.

More Information

Substance Abuse in Aging and Elderly Adults (psychiatrictimes.com)

Facts About Aging and Alcohol | National Institute on Aging (nih.gov)

Substance Use Treatment for Older Adults | SAMHSA

A Guide to Drug Abuse & Addiction Recovery for the Elderly

Substance Use in Older Adults DrugFacts | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)