11 Ways to Find Happiness in Retirement

Denise’s Viewpoint

Retirement is defined as an action or fact of leaving one’s job and ceasing to work. Or, the withdrawal of a jury from the courtroom to decide a verdict. I am not a fan of the word ‘retirement’ because both definitions sound so ending. I prefer Recreate, Reenergize or my favorite, Repurpose.

We repurpose everything to achieve something better from something that was already good and needed before. Why can’t we decide to have a new purpose? One that we recreate from our talents, career, work, hobbies and/or interests?

At Craft LifeStyle Management we work with our clients for who they are at the moment. We did not cause or create the life they had when coming under our care. Some clients have accomplished amazing things in the second chapter of their lives by finding new purpose and energy. Others have health issues and openly share they wish they’d have done more in life when they were physically able to. We also have clients who’ve chosen to rest, causing much atrophy to their minds and bodies. Sadly, they often think this time in their lives has no meaning.

The choices we make are ours. What we choose to do will determine how we live and our purpose in this stage of life. There is not a wrong or a right way. There are simply choices that belong to us.

Many think that when they retire, they are done. Thus, they withdraw. If this is what you choose, that is your choice. Maybe you don’t want to do anything more than hold down the recliner. Your health will deteriorate much sooner, but again, this is your choice.

We are at the age where many of our friends are dealing with this topic. It is invigorating to see what most of our friends are choosing in retirement. Things like joining gyms or other activities they never had time for prior to retirement.

Plan ahead for retirement. Make meaningful choices. Choices that are right for you.

Ways to Ensure Your Post-Career Years Are Filled with Purpose & Fulfillment

Find Meaningful Ways to Volunteer. Seek a cause you’re super passionate about and volunteer a couple times a month. It’s a very satisfying feeling giving back. BONUS: You may connect with a new social group-fellow volunteers.

Keep your brain working. Find something to stimulate your brain: Games on the computer, card or board games, sewing, writing, reading, photography, playing a musical instrument, trying a new recipe, learning a foreign language, etc.

Be social and reconnect with family and friends, including your spouse or partner. It may have been challenging to consistently connect when you worked full time. Heck. Live on the edge. Go out on a weeknight now and do your household shopping together mid-day, mid-week. Also, you are guaranteed an increase to your happiness by spending time playing and telling stories with your grandchildren. Take time to mend and renew valued relationships. Perhaps set up a weekly online chat with long-lost college, child or work friends. Reconnect.

Update your home. Does your house reflect the current you? If not, maybe it’s time to refresh your space with a new paint color or change up the furniture. This is a perfect time to declutter each room. This takes time but at the end you will feel proud of your updated space and more comfortable living there as it now reflects the present-day you.

Travel. Be adventurous. Push yourself out of your comfort zone. Learn something new by exploring new places, even if these are in your own community and state. Set a goal. Maybe visit all major league baseball stadiums or all national parks. Create a bucket or “no regrets list” and then start crossing items off the list as you complete them.

Renew or discover hobbies & interests. Maybe there’s something from your younger years that’s been dormant. Now is the time to re-engage and see if you still enjoy this hobby. Or, find a new one. Take an online course to test it out. Dig into your family history or write your own memoire.

Get moving. Regardless of age, exercise is always a mood booster. Staying active is important for all aspects of your health: physically, mentally and socially. Set a daily step count for your walks, attend regular exercise classes, and go swimming. Just do something active daily.

Research relocation. A growing trend is relocating for retirement. Make sure you’re clear about what makes you happy and that your finances allow this. Will happiness come from a warm climate, an urban landscape or something else? Do you desire to be near family, including grandchildren? Make a careful plan to boost your retirement happiness.

Simplify and limit distractions. Reflect on what matters most. Prioritize what is really important to you and limit worry, frustration and distractions affecting your sense of peace. Focus on the present by fully engaging in and enjoying the moment.

Stay positive. By now you know problems and health challenges arise. But you also have the life experience to navigate through these with confidence and grace. Happiness comes from this seasoned experience and understanding that things are not always going to be perfect or to your liking. There’s maturity in accepting the outcome anyway.

Seek help. Retirement offers a newfound sense of freedom and flexibility but also the realization that you may not be able to do everything on your own. Asking for help may allow you to stay in your own home, keep doing activities you enjoy and connecting with others. Don’t be too proud to seek assistance.

And, if there’s anything Craft LifeStyle Management can do to ensure a smooth transition for you or your loved ones, Contact – Craft Lifestyle Management (craftlifestylemgt.com)

More Information

Fun Classes for Senior Citizens to Take | Senior Lifestyle

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute | Nebraska (unl.edu)

Entrance Passes (U.S. National Park Service) (nps.gov)

Spring events & festivals | VisitNebraska.com

Events | Travel Iowa

Events | Official North Dakota Travel & Tourism Guide (ndtourism.com)

Events in South Dakota | Travel South Dakota

Calendar of Events in Kansas, Kansas Events & Things to Do in Kansas (travelks.com)

©March 2023 Craft LifeStyle Management.

All Rights Reserved.

As always, a share is appreciated.

Written for Craft LifeStyle Management by Linda Leier Thomason.

How to Feel Festive When You’re Not in the Holiday Spirit

What has your 2022 been like? I know you’ve had some real joyous days in your year and that you had the strength and courage to overcome any obstacles that came your way. I trust you can rejoice in experiencing another year and hope you are looking forward to 2023. I am.

At Craft LifeStyle Management, 2022 has flown by as the team and I worked tirelessly providing compassionate care to those in states of transition or requiring companion care at home. But here we are again at “the most wonderful time of the year.”

Measure Your Mood

Are you in a festive mood? Do you have merriment in your soul, or are you feeling a bit blue this season? If so, you are not alone.  For many, the lack of excitement for the holiday season is also matched by the feeling of guilt for its absence.

The holiday season can bring stress and depression. If we let it, this time of the year can be very demanding: shopping, baking, cooking meals, entertaining, cleaning, and attending gatherings outside of our own homes.

For some, poor health or concerns about a loved one’s health or even grieving a loss or death compounds the stress and depression. Many feel deep loneliness during the holidays.

Practical Tips to Minimize Stress

  • Recognize your holiday triggers. Maybe these are financial pressures or personal demands. Plan ahead for gift giving by setting a budget and shopping throughout the year. But now that the holidays are here, and it’s too late to shop throughout, don’t stress. Look at your list. Is there a way to minimize it? Is it truly necessary to buy for everyone on that list? NOTE: A few years back I found the courage to ask a group of friends if a gift exchange was really necessary between all of us? To my surprise, everyone was thrilled not to exchange. Now, our gift is not gifting anymore. 🎁🎁 Remember. Gifts do not equal happiness or replace face-to-face connection. Create a list and stick to it. Cut back on the entertaining and baking. Learn to say, “No.” Friends will understand if you cannot attend every party or event.
  • Lower expectations. Let’s be real. Christmas feels more festive as a child, or when children are present because there’s a sense of excitement and magic. Don’t set yourself up for failure thinking that you’ll feel this same youthful wonder as you age. Anticipation leads to disappointment. Practice being in the moment. Enjoy the holiday you have not the one you had in the past or the one you hoped you’d have.
  • Appreciate your loved ones for who they are. Hoping and wishing someone in your family was different or acted in a more mature way rarely causes them to change for the family holiday gathering. This holiday, accept your loved ones for who they are. Avoid bringing up contentious subject matter and past grievances. Save these conversations for a more appropriate time.
  • Stick with healthy habits. Overindulging in food or alcohol only makes you feel guilty, especially if you’ve been working hard on wellness all year. Eat a healthy snack before going to holiday parties. Limit your alcohol consumption. NOTE: Alcohol is a depressant and may make you feel worse. Get plenty of sleep and keep to your exercise routine. Remember to take your medications. Also, avoid obsessing on others’ photographs on social media highlighting their celebrations and livelihood. Unbeknown to many, this causes considerable undue stress.
  • Engage in self-care. It’s amazing what even 15 minutes alone can do to boost your spirits. Take a relaxing bath. Read a good book. Paint your nails. Go on a lovely winter hike. Fresh air and exercise improve your mental health and are a great way to de-stress. Saying “No” is also a means of self-care.
  • Think of others. Call someone you haven’t spoken to in a while. Facetime with friends and family in other states. Volunteer at a homeless shelter or at the local hospital or nursing home. Buy gifts from local artists and small businesses.Host a zoom caroling event.
  • Ask for help. Assign entrees or side dishes to family coming to the holiday dinner. Enlist your children, partner or friends to help decorate your home. Shop with a friend. Lean on your support system if you are overwhelmed. Reach out to a mental health professional if you are feeling severely depressed. They will be able to help you navigate your overwhelming emotions and offer ways to manage symptoms.

Ways to Feel More Festive

  • Decorate your home. Pull out the old ornaments and recall the story associated with each as you place it on the tree. Sit by the lit tree after work. There is something calming and relaxing associated with Christmas tree lights.
  • Send Christmas cards. Make a list and mail cards to elderly relatives and other friends and family who don’t regularly see your social media posts.
  • Bake treats. Drop them off at the local police or fire station, a homeless shelter or at a select list of your favorite service providers.
  • Watch holiday movies. These movies start airing already in early November. Check the listings and find your favorite ones, or find a new one.
  • Listen to Christmas music. Songs of your youth will bring back many cherished holiday memories.
  • Start a new tradition. Attend a basketball game on Christmas Day or go to the movies. Get your family to agree to skip gift giving and instead donate money to a charity. Or splurge on a family get-away, a bucket list location.
Remember, it’s okay not to feel like Jolly Old St. Nick during the holiday season. Be kind to yourself and your loved ones. However, and with whomever, you celebrate the holiday season, my wish is that your heart is full of love and your days content. 🎄🎁😊

As always, if Craft LifeStyle Management can assist you and your family in any way, contact us. We are here to serve you. ❤-Denise-

©December 2022 Craft LifeStyle Management.

All Rights Reserved.

Written by Linda Leier Thomason for Craft LifeStyle Management.

Please SHARE with those you know struggle during this season. Thank you!